
This still won't protect you from your password getting revealed by spyware, database cracking or social engineering attacks.

@Nawara_Ven: " There are more instances of real-world violence of men against women than men against men"

Once again, I must echo a sentiment first put into words by Penny Arcade:

why can't we just buy things online with our credit/debit/check cards again?

I think Scott Kurtz said it best:

@Foohy: two extra characters to type vs. seven, I am nothing if not lazy :P

@buttersstotch: Well, I don't own a PS3, and and the map pack has only been released on Xbox 360 so far, but Just because I have so much time, I went ahead and looked on amazon:

@A.Jaswal: On steam, you can buy Overlord, Arx Fatalis AND X-com /together/ for 15 bucks.

Okay, to put this in perspective (well, a hackneyed sort of perspective)

Ah, April first, otherwise known (for me at least) as 'Internet Free Day'.

@Evil the Cat: Formerly Microwaved Doozer: Not only are you paying THREE DOLLARS per map, you are paying for two maps that were already in CoD4, and it is my understanding that these maps haven't even been re-skinned! that is just ridiculous.

Don't forget Church of Wifi's list of one million common passwords, these include names and dates as well as common misspellings and letter/number/symbol substitutions.

@Nobuyuki: if it is I'm going to vomit.

Don't know, don't wanna know.

I'm surprised nothing has been done about it yet, or at least that the hacked messages are still on his account...

Isn't the open OS support the main reason (besides the processing power of course) that PS3's are so attractive as cluster-supercomputers?

@getlefty: was wondering about that myself ...

water effects, no matter how good, do not an enjoyable game make. At least not on their own.