
Sorry, the princess is in another castle.

I don't see any room to stick a Peter Bishop in there.


How could they possibly have a press conference without him?

Actually, the typo was putting in the "a".

Finally, a new game that will push the limits of my Pentium II.

Check your sarcasm and meme detectors, guys...

As the publisher, aren't they putting up the money for development?

I want to appreciate it first.

Is Kaiden back from the dead!?! (Because I sent him to his death) (Spoiler alert.)

This is actually pretty common in Florida. In fact, an incident like this led to one of the greatest police reports in history;

Autonomous is good considering all of our air traffic controllers are asleep.

If you need to sober up from a night of drinking, could you belt back a few shots of anti-whiskey?

Haq Faq

I'm sure that Astrid would agree that to properly download an episode, you should purchase a SprintĀ© Samsung Galaxy Tablet, with blazing fast download speeds on the nation's best wireless 4g network!

I've been pilloried on this site for suggesting the same thing, but I stand by it. Unless you work on the deck of an aircraft carrier, the digital watch is the same as velcro shoes for grown ups.

Don't bother replying to this post, Wonko is in Gitmo now.

Blowing up Genesis cartridges? OK, Al-Qaeda, now you've gone TOO FAR!!!

Birthday? no. JUDGEMENT day? Yes!