
That's a lot of squats!

That wouldn't look cool.

Is Slater still carrying Jessie's books around for her? That's sweet.


Netflix should've just gotten them on Amazon like you. Coulda saved a few mil.

I'll never understand these people who don't wash up. You would surely wash your hands if you had to touch someone else's junk, right? Or if you had to help someone else wipe?

I always lost at the arcade when Ivan Drago was there. I remember those old arcade cabinets, and that was a whole lot cooler than the Wii. People didn't get that there was just light and heavy attack; we just thought there was a direct measurement. The harder you hit the machine, the harder it hit your opponent.

I think the thing with Case: 0 was that it was a promotional prequel. They put it out on the cheap to drive sales for DR: 2. Look at Case West for a better indication of what they thought the DLC pricing should be.

Shadow Broker: Very much related to the story and mythology. Also a great play.

People with nothing to worry about will worry about nothing.

British people are too polite to complain.

What about the other 10%?

My controller faves:

Do you have anything constructive or informative to add?

Way cool! I wanna play! Let them know I got that fire - level 5.

It looks like a Detroit test track spy shot, where they tape extra markings and misleading body trim on them.

I'm in the middle of my +DLC playthrough, and damnit now I'm going to have to put it on hold till this one comes out!

So long, Alistair!

I feel sorry for the minimum wage earning teenager who has to clean all those machines of steakburger leavings. Those sticks will be oh so greasy.