Eddie Murray Sparkles

Yes Dom, but to be fair, it was clearly in the bush.

That is so unlike Obama - he insists on C'ing everything!

Oh come on Barry, they got you too? Didn't you read the article just before that one? It ended:

If we really want to stick it to the Russians, I suggest a Boy-Boycott.

Man, I bet truck guy wishes he had a vine.


If we're talking charges, I don't think that will ever be an option for you.

House Bucharest

The first four tight end package, of course, was Robert Reed's revolutionary "Cousin Oliver"!!1!

Pretty sure you nurses are asked to not drink on the job. smh

Jerry Skid

That's ironic, Goldstein. I've never once heard Dana acknowledge his wife.


"A Spartan statue? Revenge at last!"

"Oh, but you don't pick that, huh?"



Oh come on, there's plenty of beer available for ~$40 a bottle!