Eddie Murray Sparkles

Man, normally when you see an ice-cold vagina unflustered by a lack of warm hands he's awarding the Stanley Cup.

LeBron was actually MVP of the Akron Pee-wee Blackhawks, but gave up hockey because his trademark headband always tickled him.


I doubt he's actually fucking, Tom.



Too little too late, I'm afraid. A bunch of cymbals on the mound could've given rival Curtis Pride just the advantage he needed.


Boy I thought if anybody could tolerate Berman it would be a bunch of seniors.


Oddly, all of that Blackhawks gear still doesn't lessen the amount of white space in that architect's office full of hockey fans.

Actually Hernandez would make a great poster boy because he really knows his way around a tack.

Good on those guys for showing off their old spice.

Let me just say, as a supremely confident gay man, all the fellas pictured on this graph can get my XY access.

I Modestly Guffawed.

the biggest pumps in North America went into action yesterday

On the bright side, Coffee's death frees up his granddaughter (pictured, L) to return to active duty as the grenade in Cristina Torre's clique.

That's very sweet of you.


Aaagghhhh, my whole what? Don't leave me hanging!