Ooohhh. I didn't know he was gay! I would've Googled his name to look up additional detail but I've heard that Googling a gay can make you gay.
Ooohhh. I didn't know he was gay! I would've Googled his name to look up additional detail but I've heard that Googling a gay can make you gay.
That some type of slur you jerkface?
I get that saying you can buy one of those for $65 is kind of a joke when they really cost over $75 but I didn't want to be a jerk and point that out.
That arrangement didn't last 10 seconds once Hernandez realized it was evidence that somebody cared about him.
Just so you know those athletes pay the locker room or clubhouse attendant/manager a pretty fair amount in tips each time so all of those delicious foods and drinks are not really free.
Hey pal, keep the biased opinions over at the Yahoo! boards.
What a pussy. Back in the day real men could play sports and be in the military at the same time with no problem at all. Moonlighting!
I doubt that's true.
Back in the visitor's locker room, a rapidly defrosting Totino's Party Pizza quietly sits, unopened, in Tim Duncan's locker.
The difference between your gross pay and your take home amount shall rise again!
Shoulda been you, aforementioned reader.
Ask him if his refrigerator is running and if it is go find it and launch yourself in front of its path.
This reminds me of Sex & The City because those three freaks of nature are going to die alone.