+1 guy who
+1 guy who
Perez, of course, has moved onto harder drugs after he tried marijuana during his time playing in St. Louis.
The IOC testers then moved on to the East German ladies, gambling that they were all wearing Bet See Johnson.
Boy, you'd think if anybody would be one to look in the mirror.
Whoever Detected Him Decked Him
Whoever Smelt It Dealt With It
Boy, I'd really like to send this jerk a message. If only I could run a marathon.
Actually, there's a fourth in there, too. Those were originally Chief Wahoo's seats.
Or, as my buddies down at NICS like to call it, The Brady Bill Bunch.
In all sincerity, I think you need to let the actual participants (combatants?) make their own decisions, and hopefully they will protect themselves and their livelihoods to the maximum extent feasible.
The point being, of course, is that despite the one-time exception in 2009, SXSW is for humans only.
Black, white and stinkin' up Dodger Stadium? Looks like Kemp is off the DL!
They offered to move the game to the 'burbs, but Tim has a minor case of Urban Jungle Fever.