Eddie Murray Sparkles

You haterz can criticize Diaz all you want, but it's like water off of a duck's back to him. He's not going to be the one with a wet back.

First, Drew, let me say - huge fan of your stuff here & on GQ. Have you ever thought of writing a book?

Can't really blame North Dakota here. They're so used to being overshadowed by their neighbors that when it comes to expediting judgment, they always tend to rush more.

Unlike Rodney Dangerfield, at least he finally got rid of that C.

Still, as a pit crew worker, Frank's biggest fear about racecars is that he'd Stall one.


There's actually a second typo, but only when you learn his back says "ylvania's own Pittsburgh Penguins".

Man, it must be so nice to not have to be afraid of the 5.06.

Big deal, so did Michael Jordan. Mike bet on Sportsbook UK that Deng would die in the hospital.

Shoulda been you, Ondrew.

This is terrible, but it was even worse when they left the body floating in the bay and charged admission to view it, like some type of sideshow bob.

Get a Brain! Morgans

I'm pretty sure that Vonn is actually the drunk one. Why else would a pretty little white girl be in the arms of a black man?

Probably the one with cuts on her stomach?

Jeez, you'd think they would treat the situation with a bit more gravity.

The majority, of course, went on to say "I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd rather not have them living next door."

Hey, where's your post?

Look at that majestic yet humble horse. You can't even tell he has enough money on him to purchase that whole place.

So AJ is a Dolphin and his girl is now engaged? Well at least they'll be afraid of 6-packs together.

Al, is it true that you frown upon traditional rice and instead prefer your own version of instant rice, known as Eleventy Minute Rice?