"Dude, you gotta be more low key and just put that thing behind your ear."
"Dude, you gotta be more low key and just put that thing behind your ear."
Jean should consider himself luck that there was no pro log.
That's weird - usually a few mistakes, excessive amounts of fluid, Maury and gash result in a surprise paternity announcement.
This is disgusting. I hope Heights issues some type of apogee.
It's like we share a brain!
Look at that poor picture of the kid. Can we all agree that this is racial profiling, nothing else? For shame, media. In fact, if you look at all of the evidence, this has the big, bold, tell-tale signature of a domestic act written all over it. I mean, just look at that John Hancock.
Reports: Suspect Identified In Boston Bombings, Arrest Imminent
If we don't find out who was responsible for this travesty pretty soon, I vote we go all Unsolved Mysteries on its ass. #StacktoSports
"Correction: 'tis a mitten"
Sorry Tommy, but not sure this is a big deal. You can see hundreds of tiny white specks at Augusta each time you fly over it.
As a woman who has suffered through the same icky problems as the first submission, I can relate, sister!
he's the prohibitive favorite when the situation calls for kicking footballs over a pond
Nobody knows where that monstrosity of pig came from
That is SO weird.
The best way, of course, to avoid the burning, erotic, all-encompassing temptation to lick another man's face during a Face/Off is to wear a Cage.
What an embarrassing typo!
Yeah baby. Give it to us. So hard.
Jeez Tom, way to use that photo to taunt these poor, stupid Michigananians with something they aspire to but will never be. That Canadian border is way too secure!