Eddie Murray Sparkles

C'mon Burneko, brag a little and show it off!

The blackest sentence ever written, of course, can be found in Absalom, Absalom!

Maybe if you tried running outside?

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Pictured: The only +1 that egghead Kübler-Ross ever received.

Ugh, Deadspin. Enough already about things that'll make you gag.

But KARMA rarely puts the tying run in scoring position.


Joke all you want, but this is stupid and completely nonsensical. I just don't get it. Why on earth would The Georgia Dome have a doggy door?

This is pretty disturbing, but not nearly as bad as the Robot Goalie® brand IUD that Ted Lawson gave to Vicki.

Nice upgrade - seat #2 is now an isle seat!


Femen, of course, is what we call IronMikeGallego's ejaculate.

Then HOW do you explain the fact that Ray's murder weapon of choice was a Pebbles CD?

Not to be outdone, the rival Ravens posted a picture of Ed Reed, Ray Lewis and Bryant McKinnie in their Mercedes Benz o' Canes, in what could only be described as a really numb photo.

I'm so hard right now.


Well I served in WW2 and I never saw Jackie around. So I doubt he was there. Again, he was a Dodger.

I doubt that's true.

Ya see, that's the difference between a stand-up, good American man like Babe Ruth and one of these I'm-too-good-for-you pricks like Jackie Robinson. Babe did his duty and offered himself up for his country's draft, and Robinson was a dodger.