Eddie Murray Sparkles


Of course, the best way to get worked up over click-bating is by calling 1-900-Khoisan.

While I'm sure all of the TV experts will address these players' sexuality ad nauseam, don't expect Deion Sanders to tackle it.

Man, you'd think these idiots getting involved with the fake Mary Jane would at least have the decency to transfer to Notre Dame!!1!



Well they certainly didn't profit, but I can't tell if the sales would count as net revenue or gross revenue!!1!

As a Greek pedophiliac, I thought this post was going to be way sexier.

Folks, if you want to see a really douchey "Ray's To Do List," check out Mr. Sism's At-A-GlanceĀ®.

On the bright side, Brandon's toothless play is really helping to earn him that British Knight nickname he always wanted.

Folks, if you want to see a really touchy "Ray's To Do List," check out Mr. Charles' archives.

Folks, for more info on the life and senseless murder of Dr. Morris Sugarberg, DDS and his brave refusal to endorse Sensodyne, please refer to my blog Lost On The Tenth.

To be fair, Rutgers gave in months ago and cried uncle, but Ben was all like "what, what's the problem here? Rice is great!"

For the record, this was the 8,657th straight lottery drawing that was unable to make a single person living in Ohio lucky.

Calm down Quincy Jones.

That's also the way to draw Mickey Mouse if he were a wrestler.

This video is really grainy. Could you help me figure out which guy is Rice by including some arroz?

Joe Buck, Eddie Vedder, and cocaine

Sagan clearly learned his lesson from Hincapie and avoids the podium girls at all costs, lest one of them saddle him with a Pale Blue Line.

Lucky for him, Tony LaRussa also buys his Thunderbirds in six-packs.