Buford's Heat is great, but I have a real problem with him just standing around while the little old Italian lady is eaten by Val Kilmer.
Buford's Heat is great, but I have a real problem with him just standing around while the little old Italian lady is eaten by Val Kilmer.
Dibble was selected by Compass Media, of course, due to his history of getting into rows.
Sir? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
On the bright side, those ladies were finally able to retire their Me So Horny sign.
Senators owner? What is this Sean, lobbyist-spin? Stick to sports!
Mild bipolarity
NasPE, of course, is best known for its previous proclamation, Hop Scotch Is Dead.
I may or may not have misunderstood what "skirting the law" meant.
Hey, that's the first time "encore" has been associated with any of your comments!
You are!
Fellas, I had the pleasure of having Tim do some painting for me, and I can tell you that he is definitely in heaven. That dude was all about the primer.
I'm surprised he's not going to the draft. You'd think a green room would be the perfect place to show off his new girl.
More like the white house, amirite?
Joke's on you, Bollocks. "Weird Looks" is the lazy-eyed Native American chief I've been crushing on for awhile.
Some of you may think this is magic, but it's really just a series of 0's and #1's.
included eighty-one leather jackets, seventy-five pairs of boots, forty-one pairs of leather pants, thirty-two pairs of haute couture jeans, ten evening jackets, and 115 pairs of leather gloves.