Eddie Murray Sparkles


I haven't seen an ankle missed that badly since my days working at The Gap on Wilshire Blvd when Kirstie Alley unsuccessfully attempted to try on skinny jeans!!1!

Club & Red were, of course, the two main protagonists in That 7000's B.C. Show.

Oh man, expect Marty to stumble through some stupid technical excuse that only a bunch of virginal nerds will understand in his upcoming press conference, Magid: The Blathering.

he can break his release to himself gently

-Me, after applying WD-40 Rust Remover to my alto trombone!!1!

Hey Drew, I'm a big fan. Would you rather have me blowing on you constantly or would you rather utilize my young sexy niece, the Dyson Air Blade?

Man are these guys going to have egg on their faces. And man is that bad news for Pittsburgh's already troublesome unwanted male pregnancy rates.

[applies for bread slicing job]

Great comment - love it.

Sounds like somebody is a good neighbor, unlike those assholes at State Farm!

Whether it's Ba du bop or ba duba dop?

Oh come on, it's clearly just a last-ditch effort to prevent the owner from using his patented "why don't you have a seat over here" pick-up line.

I get that he's the face of the new Kinja, but do we really need to focus on FDR's pick-up lines now?

The cunning leader that he is, Goodell plans to determine player sexuality by inviting those in question to join him next week on Broadway.



And to think they were originally talking about hosting the swimming competitions there instead! The smell of rotting corpses certainly made the row versus wade question a no-brainer.

Pictured (front):Ken Starr, bro

I'm actually a pretty good friend of Blake's. The poor guy can barely walk, yet alone skate, without falling over. The worst - and most depressing - part is that he's not even interested in a full recovery. He'd rather stick with his old, teetering style than try to work to achieve some shitty New Balance.