Eddie Murray Sparkles


Meanwhile, noted Italian TV Resenter Giuseppe Blasecini offered no comment while repeatedly flicking his hand outward from his chin.

More like Allahu Aaacckkkk, amirite?

Sadly, the oversight turned tragic hours later when Permann settled in at home, had a few drinks, wrote a goodbye note, placed a pistol to his temple and pulled the trigger, all while listening to the melancholy notes of Green Day's contemplative hit, Well Riddance.

C'mon, I doubt Ziegler would stoop so low as to drive a stratus. But you could probably convince me he's an altostratus kind of guy.


Fortunately, Guinness was wise to Svetlana's patented 52" Pick-up trick, where she gains an extra tenth by lifting her scrotum.


Hey, this is just like the time I got invited to Spring Training camp with the Yankees!


/fires marketing staff


Nor analorgies, for that matter.

I'm coming Elizabeth!

Whatever, sellout. I was hating on Raysism well before he was published.

<del>young lady killler</del> intern

Barry please stop promoting Dutch news sites. You gotta make them pay their own way.

This good and all, but I think Chito Salud is being a bit too hands on. I mean, Renaldo's arm sleeve was originally white.

Man, the Taiwanese Animated Treatment of Oscar Pistorius is weird!

Get outta there Denton!