Wait, Mel and Todd are Deadspin commenters?
Wait, Mel and Todd are Deadspin commenters?
I hate to feed into this nonsense, but I do know that Te'O was bisexual at least for a bit in college. However, I also hear that this gritty, undersized Notre Dame star is now completely heterosexual and that he is known, in fact, to rue d.
Fortunately for Sandra, William Goldenberg's next gig is the 2013 Oscars DVD.
Poor Fischer actually nodded off during the press conference, and now Te'o thinks that they're in love.
and u ugly too!
Update: Police are searching for a suspect, described as a white male in his early 20s with long hair, a dark baseball cap and a newly overwhelming sense of inadequacy
To be fair, for those guys that's like 3:01 in the morning.
Dang! I thought for sure that this was going to be a leak for the schizophrenia defense strategy by the Pistorius legal team.
This is what happens when you go to Dr. Saul Steinbergowitz, DDSn.
Interestingly, toasting a Turner with some rocks was the favorite pastime of Ike.
I'm just glad this stage is over for Pistorius. Nair was so intense, I'm amazed Oscar never bawled.
No he doesn't!
He did take it too far, however, when he tried to eat the darker-skinned CHiPS.
Guys, let's not forget he went to Stanford where he had a 3.85. Of course, everybody else had a 4 point stance.
Would you rather answer one really great hypothetical question or 5 average ones?
Well, I guess we'll have to wait until Week One for 4-28-13 to have any significance in Tebow's life.
This is no surprise - South Florida has been misspelling "Central-Western" for years.