Eddie Murray Sparkles


Man, and Stanton just bounced right back? This spring training is working.

This list will be golden for the medical examiner when Brian's lifeless body is found half-devoured in the cardboard box he was calling home. They'll know that 789.

Similarly, Chipper Jones spent all day blabbering on and on about Checkers®.

Kwong fled in terror after misunderstanding him teammates' screams of "I'm on goal! Iamongoal!"

Everybody should know that Peru and Heat don't get along. Trust me, I work the lima bean craft services station and got punched daily by Val Kilmer.

ClubCesarVallego? Nah, sounds to boxing-y.

I'd tell Andrew to just pick one, but it looks like he already did.


Wow. So do they change the name or just cancel Nancy Grace altogether?

Officials knew the boxes contained steroids as soon as they saw the "Bacme Box Co." label.



It was close, but LaPhonso was relieved when Rutgers was able to make four baskets in just under seven years.


Should be a nice fit between the Owls and Geo Group - both are familiar with keeping their eyes open and preying at night.




Man, looks like this Buss could only live by staying under 50.