Eddie Murray Sparkles

He may not be putting up similar numbers like he hoped, but at least Rose is finally achieving wilt-like status.



Good for OJ! I just hope he's a little more careful with his glove when he's chasing Brown.

Man, look at how effortlessly he switches paws!

Smooth and Sometimes Explosive


It's fitting that the Paterno family used a Washington firm to represent them, since Joe's PR machine still runs on DC.

Everybody was on him and attacking him and I knew Larry was going to have something broken or some scratches, so I was going to wait until he gets up to congratulate him.

Yeah, only took my wife three slides down the banister too!

Yup, although I'm not sure about the suggestion to substitute chicken thighs for water.

Finished a Foodspin article!

Alright, Mr Ivy League of the South.

Weird part is that not five minutes before this happened, Echo had his dick in that golf cart's tailpipe.

Holy crap does Sarah Palin have a giant skull.

As a long time, passionate reader of Bleacher Report, I'm fucking amazed at the lengths these tight assholes would go to for pageviews; I don't have the stamina to even attempt to devour the girth of the big load of bullshit they are just ejaculating everywhere.

I got that all the time in school.

You guys ever wish more bloggers would stay true to their blog namesake?


Even if he were successful, Andrew still wouldn't have the most out-of-place Phillie baby.