Eddie Murray Sparkles

This is quite a shock. By this time of the year the Rockets aren't usually even mentioned in the same sentence as tops.

That comment should be surrounded by water on 3 sides!


"The dress sweats" is also what finally made up Chaz Bono's mind for good.




Frown all you want to, Morgan, but we can still see those dimples.

Kiefer knew he had the gig as soon as he saw the notes on Kevin James' audition script.

Manny's mom, on the other hand, was proud of Al for holding onto his canon.

The seven remaining coaches played it off well, noting to the three recruits that in Lubbock, it felt right being "Just the Ten of Us."


Ronjohn Dadd Was Robbed

In Biel with his mother

U and I Look Good Together

This is no surprise - Brett's cock has been lifting things for years. Until now, however, it had only been other men's self-esteem.

Poor guy. Every breath he takes reminds him of that fateful, yet surprising, period.

That poor T-Rex. He's already been banned from the PGA Tour for his insistence on belly putting.

Young later tried to cover himself, noting that he was "often misunderstood because I pride myself on speaking flaccidly."

Is this from a real website? I thought "Ben Lindbergh?" was just Brian David Mitchell's pick-up line.