Setting religion aside, let's all keep Juli's father's foreskin in our thoughts tonight.
Isn't that also a list of things up your butt right now?
No fair! That's the same line Noah Miller's sperm used on Josh Groban's sperm.
"Waiter! Waiter! Cancel that order. I'll never touch a tossed salad again."
IMG, +infinity on that chocolate Santa piece
Dammit Isaac, did you learn nothing from Lynn Hoppes?
According to initial reports, the holidays won't be the same for either of these JBs.
Oh Raymond!
More like second most, amirite?
More like a heeling tour, cause that's the last they'll see of us when we run outta that shithole!
Japanese Import a Potential Clubhouse Cancer; Players Told To Simply Avoid Bluefin Tuna Spread
Still better than the Lions 1992 calendar featuring Mike Utley as Mr. March.
This investigation marks the first time anybody in San Diego has seen a third degree.
Up, All Night