Ed Fowler
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It has been proven that people who excel at mathematics excel at cooking, too. The same kind of detached internal logic neeeded for higher mathematics is needed to be able to understand the relationships of ingriedients, spices, temperature, physics and chemistry which go into a tasty meal.

Also, Scott Pilgrim.

The original Trek universe after DS9 and Voyager

I would absolutely make it my mission to make that woman’s life as miserable as possible.

Prediction: Thomas Wayne.

After reading these, I feel like maybe James Bond should’ve just let Max Zorin flood Silicon Valley.

When you work in a place that was literally occupied by Nazis, and where orphans tended to “disappear,” you have to figure some weird shit is going to go on.

ABBA counts double.


34. Keeps mad laboratory neat, cleans own twisted glassware, takes equal responsibility for any spawned horror beasts. Looks good in slightly burnt labcoat.

Should without going insane be added or is that a bonus?

25. Knows the words to disco songs.

33. Ability to summon gibbering insane, howling maws of twisted flesh from the non-Euclidean abyss beyond our plane.

Ah. You're a damned Loyalist. ;-)

Well, I get why they moved it. They were trying have it be in a “neutral” place since the North and South were so at odds even back then. But still...a swamp? All that land, and they decided on a swamp?

Pretty sure it needs to be named the Sawyer Drive if it comes to fruition.

So how soon before we start referring to this as the Sawyer Drive?

Here is a simple diagram explaining the concept: