
I propose we have a new phrase for jumping the shark.

everyone has game genres and specific games that just don’t grab them or click for them. I’m personally that way with JRPGs. i’ve just reached the conclusion that they’re not for me but i also don’t go around shit talking comment threads of articles about JRPGs because i have nothing to add to the discussion except

I totally read that description in Tommy Wiseaus voice.

I don’t know. I’ve been a bit hesitant about Kojumbo after he left Sonly. I suspect his own hubris may have Duke Nukem Forevered production of Mental Deer Sordid V, and that’s why it was released in an incomplete rushed to finish state.

It’s eye catching in addition to its civil rights symbolism.

Unrelated but the new Kotaku pride logo owns please never change it back

America is keeping children in cages, separated from there parents and in terror. What’s important right now is my outrage about a space movie. 

“So they are willing to spend days chasing the resistance when all the First Order had to do is jump a few ships slightly ahead of them and wipe them out.”

What? That Rain made a movie with complicated characters but some people just wanted wish fulfillment cardboard characters that do exactly what you expect them to?

Get what? That it’s a movie and that it’s OK to not like it? And it’s OK for some people to like? And if you didn’t like it, you can just move on and go about your life because it’s a fucking movie! Or if you don’t like TLJ consume any other number of Star Wars media because there is a damn near endless stream of it

I have one questions for the folks behind this “remake.”

I’ve got a lot going on in my life right now, numerous family crises happening simultaneously. Along with the horrors of the current presidential administration that make me weep for the nation.

I really hope the young audiences around the world learn from this show the benefits of tolerance and altruism.

“There are women out here in real life that do have these body types.”

Yeah, most of the changes are great. The only one I dislike is how much more interpersonal conflict there is between the crew of the Rocinante.

Right. We wouldn’t have had this much time with Avasarala if they had gone by the books (introduced in S. 1, but in Book 2), and she fucking rocks.

Agreed—there’s plenty of poli-sci to go with the sci-fi. A true space opera, in any regard!

See your argument Heather, however IMO everyone needs to be able to assess the value of a game through their own lens’ and some prefer an economical approach, over quality or other perspectives. I wouldn’t evaluate a game based on MPG, in car terms, but won’t fault someone if they are tight on cash on giving that more

Exactly why he cut the straps remains unclear.

“I disagreed with what the professional critics wrote about the last film, therefore their entire job means nothing!