
I’ll summarize the dialogue:

Success story here!

Yeah, imagine trying to explain that to your girlfriend too. “No honey, I stopped before anything got serious; I only fingerbanged her.” 

Should you tell your girlfriend? Um… how about no? All telling any of this will do will hurt her, for no purpose.

Uh, mouth to mouth kissing is about the line i’d draw for “something happened”

A peck on the cheek? Nothing happened. But a kiss on the mouth is something. It may or may not be a big thing depending on the relationship, but its something.

This one does as well.  More than that, it’s the intent more than the action.  Client #1 is a POS and is fooling himself if he thinks otherwise.

Community discussion time y’all: this guy says he fingered his ex, but “stopped before anything actually happened”. Does fingering count as “something actually happening”?

Garfield is fat. Charlie Brown will never kick that football.

Sunday Comics is the precursor to the voight kampff test. If you say you like Life in Aggro, you’re a replicant.

moE’s the sort of dude that hits rock bottom and thinks, “I wonder if there’s oil down further.”

“I use the word ‘faggot’ to call people ‘retards,’”

It’s easy to point to Price’s original comment as “crossing the boundary” or unprofessional in the context of her job, but of course that’s not really the point for the people who wanted her fired.

The actual hamster has far better luck when it comes to careening around in a metal death machine though.

Ran eight miles this morning. Physical activity has little to do with my distaste for this specific game, or the myriad issues attached to it.

But, hey, maybe read a book or something.  ;)


I’m almost at a loss for words here.


The idea that women are some kind of mystical creature that require knowledge of the Stygian abyss to understand is a myth that has been perpetuated by men of all types, in all groups, since time immemorial.

A particular subset of gamers, however, have found a way to

InfoWars: THE MOON IS A SOROS CONSPIRACY! CRISIS ACTORS ARE *moon hits earth, everyone dies*

Kotaku: “Check out the Cool New Features on this Impending Live Action Post-Apocalyptic Shooter”

The official line from the devs is that the “plots” of the in-game stages aren’t actually canon. Otherwise we’d have to reckon with like, Zenyatta on attack on King’s Row delivering an EMP bomb to mass murder a bunch of omnics.

The funny things is...the game is not cannon...yep. The game itself doesn’t exist in the Overwatch storyline.

The physics as he hits the curb is absolutely heartbreaking.