
“Coming down too fast” doesn’t seem like an excuse. We Finns can handle 30+ inches of snow for days on end without closing down a single road or airport for even a minute.

Ok, seriously, how does NYC not have decent snow removal resources yet?

Well that got strangely hamfisted

I’d argue she is actually more famous than duchovney now. Especially after Hannibal and The Fall. Other than Californication, has Duchovney done anything of note? Not to mention she hasn’t had any addiction problems, is generally a better actress, and somehow managed to Benjamin button herself.

No more than I’d buy a Duchovny-less one The show works because of the skeptic/believer back and forth and their amazing chemistry.

to be fair, games are an interactive medium. if i read a book, no force actively opposes me, i just plow through the words. games actively impede your thats the fun bit because you get to overcome the opposition and get the feeling of accomplishment form that, but that would explain the different

The “Mary Sue” complaints are so gendered it’s ridiculous. No one ever whined about Anakin Skywalker (all of TEN years old) doing badass things.

Hang in there. :D

This is a good list. You guys work better as a team, some of your individual lists look like you’re trying too hard to pick obscure games, you damn hipsters you.

Tough lists to make. You guys did a damn fine job.

I watch Patrick Klepek kill the plumber all the time.

If you don’t get it, it’s time to get off.

I know how you feel. I throw up in your mouth a little sometimes too.

She broke it out with such confidence, I had to think for a second “ that a word...?”

The bigger joke is “productition.”

That’s Hardy Harbaugh, formerly known as The Family Secret. all honesty, he was fine as Harrison/Khan. I don’t think his performance was ever the issue.

Christmas is a real event, but Santa Claus is a fictional character. Religions are real organisations but their deities are decidedly improbable.

first to say all of them