
Exactly. I have no beef with the man himself, he's a fine entertaining actor and from all accounts a nice guy, but he would be way too distracting in a Star Wars movie.

It would be a strange choice. The prequels definitely went too heavy on known faces—not their biggest flaw, but I think a misguided decision. The Original Trilogy cast (outside of Guiness and Cushing) were mainly newcomers or people without a major screen presence.

Please do not put Tom Cruise in Star Wars. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please...

Now playing

You've got to use your imaginaaaaaAAAAaaation.

Yeah I played for a bit, and then was like eeeh. I can't speak for the rest of the story, but those scenes to me take away from the game's experience.

That is the point I was making with my sarcastic comment. She's getting pissy because people are identifying female attributes on Link and linking them with the possibility of him being a female. It's the assumption that because males CAN have heavier eyelashes or a ponytail, it is therefore sexist to deem both those

Oh... Sif was there, he was reskinned as the boss of Door of Pharos. But they took the sword out of his mouth, and gave him three pet toxic rats instead. haha

But yeah I completely agree, the bosses in DS 2 were definitely underwhelming. For one thing, the majority of them were way too humanoid. There were a handful of

I LOVE that Miyazaki focuses on making majestic, and complex creatures, as opposed to shocking and controversial looking creatures. It was one of my favorite parts of Demon's and Darks Souls.

Seath is a great example of this. They could have made Seathe some decayed, bloody, goopy, nasty looking beast, but no... they

Yeah, seems really mean spirited to try to make this out like that when really it's the precise opposite, they are mustard keen for a Heroine of Time.

1. The character shown in the trailer is not wearing Link's traditional green outfit

Right now, the way people are picking apart features makes me feel weird and slightly uncomfortable. It shows that people have a hard time dealing with male characters with feminine traits, and it's really telling of how strictly we classify things in accordance to gender norms. That's a shame. Who says ponytails and

I wish they would have added reach and odst. Man I loved the space fight from reach.

There's a strong chance that's exactly what Action Trip wanted: begging attention for their worthless comic by trying to stir up PA-style controversy.

Oh good, a rape joke. Good to know that gaming comics have really matured in the past decade.

There was a time when the gaming community accepted things like expansions for games. Unfortunately such things have been lumped together in the same category as horse armor. The Artorias DLC for Dark Souls was a legitimate expansion to a complete game that added a significant amount of additional game time. I have

Insert happy ending? How is this guy able to watch Game of Thrones at all?

So are people, but once in a while one helps another.

Like rodents, a vampire is unable to vomit

To be fair, we've known this for some time now.

I'd say he should play Watch_Dogs...but he plays that already with the NSA