
"How do scientists determine the ages of the stars"

you have to wonder whether they ACTUALLY believe this, or whether it's an almost troll-like cover story.

Aww, don't feel too badly. Sometimes you get nervous with your first time and just botch things. I bet you'll have a really solid one next time.

So demand for your product went soft prematurely?

Unisexual ambystomatids are the coolest!

I keep noticing that being a conscientious objector seems to have meant, "Yes, you should perform medical experiments on my genitals," to a lot of scientists.


Dat gravity...

"You get BEHIND me you name-stealing, foul-smelling curly-shoed giant bastard... Oh and if I get a red shell I'm firing it backwards. At you."

Watch_Dogs told me to hold down a button on my phone and now I have Bill Gates's bank account.

"Why can't we have a Superman?"........I think we do, and I think his name is Superman.


How are the ears, sitting on top of her head, possibly not clear?

Geth Sentinel?

Wrong ship Jayne.

dude...get that checked out post haste!

The problem with the boxart is that HRH Emperor Admiral Patrick Stewart is supposed to be bald.

It would be awesomer, that's what.

I guarantee you that it's YouTube fighting back. Learning how to speak, gaining sentience. The hubris of man, thinking we could control it.

Ask and ye shall recieve: