
If you see something rare that you don't know much about, do you kill it, or let it be?

Add some fish stock and a few potatoes... baby, you got a stew goin.

His point was that it's not a red state/blue state issue. Her gender had nothing to do with his statement.

Except he (she?) said "that woman" and not "a woman." As in, her gender doesn't matter, he's just using "that woman" in the hope that you know which woman he's talking about, same as if he had used "she."

I shouldnt even dignify this with a response but my issue was with the fact that she brought up politics not with the fact that she lacks a Y chromosome.

doesn't make sense.

People still owe it to themselves to pick up Dark Corners of The Earth.

I'm a huge fan of Blomkamp but I really feel like D9 stands on its own. It's a modern Scfi classic. Don't tarnish that with a sequel. It's like blade runner. I know the world seems fun to play with but you can only make it worse.



Elf design reminds me of a particular hero.

He's a monster!

Sounds like a job for G.O.B!

Trying to blackmail your way out of being arrested by the police?

War is peace, slavery is freedom, ignorance is strength.

Nah, they'll probably have something like "Achievement Unlocked: Survived an entire episode of Whitney." Or maybe even "Achievement unlocked: Laughed at all the right moments."

Wow and Sony's stock just shot up.