
Whether people liked her or not, Donna Noble had the most progressive and fascinating arc a NuWho companion has ever had. Definitely more so than Captain Jack.

Maybe I missed this, but is there a reason why no one is relating the title to The Name of the Rose? I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the bolded sections.

What if his name is actually Doctor Who? You know, descended from the Whos of Gallifrey. And Doctor could be like John on Gallifrey, a typical name.

I read Notreddit's comment as not trying to be massively misogynist, but reflecting Moffat's attitude toward women- Not having much in the way of personality past "Girl" and "Sassy", combined with a tendency towards being mysteries and puzzles to be solved rather than having a character and agency of their own.


If the BBC could go ahead and replace Steven Moffat now, that would be great... Clara started out with such potential as a character. Innovative, complex, emotional depth, great lines ("just making souffle")- but lately she's just become a doe-eyed talking vagina. Enough already. The BBC needs to learn from the

Exactly. This whole thing is framed by a deeply partisan source who happens to be good at moderating his language, promoted by this blog, which is just as partisan but not as good at moderation.

I know of very few people who would assert that they have all of the answers, and I wouldn't take anyone seriously who did.

Assuming for a moment that some religion is right, that some religion actually has a handle on what's really going on behind the scenes of the universe...

My vote is for the Iron Giant aka Vin Diesel.

Yes, they can.


Though, question: Are they suggesting that systems SHOULD lock out used games? Isn't that what we DON'T want? Funny, just...what?

This is what makes me keep going. Every day I read article after article about death, gun violence, rape, and general hatred and I lose faith in humanity. But then I get reminded that there are people out there that instead of being dicks, they're building Lego Helms Deep, or recreating the battle of Hoth in their

So. The Tom Tom joke. So stupid it's funny, or just really stupid? I'm in the former camp, but I could easily see someone hating it.

Wonder if K9 will be in this one and willing to do a Scooby-Doo impression ?

What's positive about violence in games?

"Violence exists."

Great answer, college professor! But seriously, this is a non-answer.

Gaiman could save Doctor Who from Moffat, just give him the narrative reigns for a season. Anyone think that would be a bad idea?

An amusement park. With a cyberman attraction.

It's a bizarre question to ask about the positives of violence. There really aren't any positives to violence and, as you suggest, it's basically a neutral element. It's nothing more than a tool used to tell a story and elicit a response from the subject. There's violence in all forms of storytelling (games, books,