
I like how your own deliberate willful ignorance is your justification for your opinion. That'll really hold up under careful consideration.

Why don't zombies ever eat each other? No really.

Hey can't blame them since it's a bloody fantastic game.

Just because I can criticize aspects of it doesn't mean I don't like it! I liked the game. Evan liked the game, that's why he said you should play it. Tina and Chris seemed to like the game judged on their video on it.

"No. But I can steal from the cash register in the ice cream shop! Just what I never wanted!"


I envision Booker constantly smoking cigarettes with a mouth full of cotton candy spilling soda all over his two guns he perpetually wields while Elizabeth, in my mind, can't help but ask "uuuh.. you know.. I could like.. get you a bag or something...?"

Skylanders needs horse.

No Duke & Dimwit? :(

What about my Shepard?

"Elizabeth's no damsel in distress, she's the best wingman to have ever donned a dress!"

That's sort of the point. So much evil has happened thanks to Comstock merely existing. So many people died unnecessary deaths. That's the point of the ending, to completely make all of that not happen at all.

I completely agree with you. It seems as if the author was trying too hard to sound eloquent in her arguments, and just came off as haughty. At the point where the author states that they stopped seeing Colombia as a location and just a shooting gallery with sparkly lying around, I knew then that the author was

Elizabeth's response to killing someone for the first time is to change into a new dress and cut her hair so that she matches the promo art.

This wreaks of someone trying to gain journalistic cred. The critique is far more hollow (and less thought out) than the game.

Oh good grief. I will make this simple; if the wee-wee has been in the who-ha, you are no longer a virgin, ok?

I imagine it's partly because of how shoddily this series was handled in the first place. It's like "Oh now you care, ya bums."

Seeing the Mako drawn epically makes me happy. Vehicle sections in Mass Effect 1 rank among my favorite parts in the series. I'm serious. The tank drove like it had balloons for treads and it was amazing

Remember when we were all hoping that Avengers 2 would lead to Planet Hulk and then Joss Whedon crushed our spirits. I remember.