If it bothers you so much, don't buy their products. That's how consumers are supposed to shape the market.
If it bothers you so much, don't buy their products. That's how consumers are supposed to shape the market.
What they really look EXACTLY like is if somebody stuck antennae on a racist African caricature.
Ah yes, a roach would develop to look EXACTLY LIKE THAT if it were humanoid. Are you freaking kidding me?
Oh gosh, I hadn't even noticed the hair before. Yeah, I find it hard to believe that the racial similarities were unintentional. Consider me disturbed.
It's the nature of what's promised, as well as the nature of the relationship between the giver and the receiver. No company owes anything to their customers unless their customers paid for it. It's not the same as, say, an elected politician failing to deliver on social reforms. We're talking about an…
Jeez, I'm 30 hours in and haven't finished the game yet. Props to these guys. And Chris... Screw your Rat King. The Blue Sentinels are coming for you.
Says the guy who's so worked up about the delayed release of an MMO.
Should they? Of course. Do they have to? Absolutely not. That's not to say that what they're doing is acceptable, and I think that people are more than justified in just giving up on them entirely, because they're clearly out of touch with their fans. But they don't have to do anything.
Agreed! It's sort of Metroidvania with teeth.
Yes, yes, yes, to all of the above. And Tina: You don't know joy—true joy—until you've solo'd Ornstein and Smough. Keep calm, and Praise the Sun!
Wow. You're actually going to compare the delivery of an entertainment product with actual life-changing political policies? Since when does the arrival of an MMO compare in any way with issues like affordable healthcare, or immigration reform? Get your priorities straight, man.
You're an excellent case-study for proving my point.
Again, let's think about the words we're using. "Cruel?" Yes, it's pure /agony/ to not have your game come out and not know when it's coming. Try to keep things in perspective.
I didn't say you can't be pissed. But your friend doesn't owe you a ride.
The difference is, in the party scenario people exerted effort to go to your party. In this case, you're sitting on your couch waiting for an announcement. :P
Which is admittedly very stupid on their part. I'm in no way trying to defend Sega, I got tired of their BS years ago, like most people. That being said, it's healthier to move on than to continue demanding that such a broken company satisfy their promises to you.
There are things of much greater consequence to get up in arms about than the delayed release of a video game.
I'm not saying fans shouldn't be pissed, but to say that any company owes the world an explanation for delayed product release is still pretty strong language. Did they make a huge marketing mistake? Yes. Have they wronged anybody (other than themselves) in a serious way by failing to offer an explanation? …
They "owe it" to fans? I think not, unless people have pre-ordered it. Consumer entitlement is getting really old, folks.
And music from Bastion. What's not to love?