
The belief that shooters are defined by their mechanics is exactly why we have all of this bland CoD shit getting thrown at us all the time. Great stories, fantastic world building, and vivid characters are every bit as important in the FPS genre as in any other.

Want. Need.

The issue with scantily clad women in comics is NOT one of suspension of disbelief. It's the fact that the ONLY purpose of the general lack of clothing on women in comics is to sexualize them. Male characters like Spider-man Green Lantern get to have costumes that reflect their powers. Female characters like Wonder

Actually, no. I was applying a stereotype of a certain kind of male to Kajicat.

Why bother? You can't argue with boys who are hell bent on jacking off to absurdly proportioned, scantily clad super heroins.

This will still be loads better than the Raimi movies.

No, I told you to lighten up because you're wrong. Had a woman criticized this commercial as you did, I'd have told her the same thing.

I think it's funny how you went out of your way to quote me and then entirely missed my point. I never said that woman can't be abusive in relationships, and I never said that men can't have valid opinions about sexism (I'm a man, and I have no feelings of guilt about it). What I said was that this commercial is

Based on your reasoning here, I'm at a loss as to how you can even qualify cinema as art. Both employ visual work, music, written stories etc. One requires you to passively observe, the other asks you to take part in the experience. Both are made using machines. Both take enormous dedication and creative talent

Papo & Yo isn't an artistic expression of a boy's struggle with an alcoholic father? Bioshock Infinite isn't a compelling tragedy, much like the ones we still read hundreds of years later? Mass Effect doesn't brilliantly handle many of the themes of gender and race that are dominating conversation in our culture

I'm a person who hates difficult games, and I loved it. Give it a go!

I picked this game up over the summer when it was on sale, and I couldn't be happier. It's seriously raised the bar for me when it comes to gaming. I've already got 2 preordered.

Just because people overreact on the one hand doesn't mean it's warranted on the other. We guys have things pretty easy, there's no need to get butt hurt over this commercial.

Sorry, but I think it's more than reasonable to assume that SHE WAS JOKING. It was obviously a playful joke built around the convenience of the XBone.

Bioshock Infinite. Just... Wow.


You know what else isn't your problem? What people choose to play their games on.

Convenience is a perfectly valid reason to choose consoles over PC. It doesn't make console gamers lazy or inferior. Hell, you don't NEED a valid reason to choose one or the other, it's your personal choice and there's no point in a bunch of children ripping you a new one for your decision.