Nintendo’s price fixing sucks. That’s games should all be $20 at this point
Nintendo’s price fixing sucks. That’s games should all be $20 at this point
Nintendo’s price fixing sucks. That’s games should all be $20 at this point
Nintendo’s price fixing sucks. That’s games should all be $20 at this point
This is the correct answer. Battlefield doesn’t have this problem.
Your accuracy should go to complete garbage while in mid-air, as well as for a short period after. Problem solved.
You might want to amend “STAT | $725 billion”. I don’t think something can make that much money.
I miss this style so much :(
Anime Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg is far more menacing than Gary Oldman and needs his own 12 episode series immediately!
You should totally check out a fan project called Stage 9. It’s less a game, and more a self-guided tour of the D, but it’s free, VR and only getting better. Cannot recomend enough.
TOS, complete with switches? Gimme gimme gimme!
The original Bridge Crew had the Original Enterprise you could take out. Everything operated with switches, and it was glorious
I want OPs and the Defiant.
Jesus H. Christ, this this this this THIS.
Is this worth it without VR?
Also, if they add DS9 DLC then I will immediately buy either way. Just putting that out there.
DEEP SPACE NINE PLEASE. I want OPs and the Defiant.
That Soundwave. Goddamn that’s awesome.
That’s actually exactly what I expect from comics, especially DC. I absolutely love corn in my superhero stories. It’s something that their Cinematic Universe has forgotten. It’s called “camp” and it’s delicious.
I wish there were some metric to show Bungie the damage they have done to their license aside from just online complaints. I actually started playing Warframe instead and deleted Destiny and I had hundreds of hours in Destiny 1.
Nobody like your reply so you starred yourself eh?
The only guide I needed was my common sense which promptly directed me in the opposite direction from this game.
I think I am content with the 2007 Star Wars: Battlefront 2. It has all the same features and no lootbox system in sight. Plus it has Steam server support now!
They don’t want to be open about it, because like bullshit Fantasy Football, they want to stay away from being deemed gambling because then the laws start hammering down on them.