
overwatch’s lootboxes are not tied to progression though, these ones are. it’s a key difference. although i wouldn’t mind seeing loot boxes burn to the ground either.

I’m conflicted. On the one hand, loot boxes like BF2's are a predatory affair. On the other, I also paid full price for Overwatch and it tries to sell me stuff as well.

Death threats? Way to over react internet people.

I’ll leapfrog here to say that there’s a line between advocacy and something else. Battlefront II devs were talking about receiving death threats today on Twitter. I get that folks are upset... I’ve been pretty vocal too... but I want to use this as a general opportunity to remind folks to approach these issues

You’re not part of the problem. I will do the same: buy the game and enjoy for months on end, not spend a single cent on loot crates, and be perfectly happy with my purchase.

“There” “Were” “others” “games?”

Once, the whole enemy team just... left. Except for one poor guy that couldn’t bear not finishing the match. Nobody shot him. He knew that he couldn’t win. I couldn’t bear to see him alone and had him group up with me after the match. He wasn’t that good, but I stuck with him, at the very least.

I was pretty shocked when he brought up mouse + keyboard. Terry Crews really can do it all.

This is going to be one of those “Giant Enemy Crab” E3s, isn’t it?

Literally all the celebrities and athletes they’ve had so far look so confused. This host guy is also pretty awful.

Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?

Everyone is just jealous that I average 3 kills a match. Not every player has the the skills to shoot blindly while spinning in circles when backed into a corner.

This is so damn true. If you’re frustrated don’t be a dick and report people for cheating because you fucking suck. I hate when people pull that kind of stuff in other games.

Listen, and understand! Preston Garvey is out there! He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you help that settlement!

I worked there in 2014 on 2.0 and 3.0. Lots of good people at the Avalanche studio. Super sad to hear this, as I have friends from graduate school who were there until today. :(