
Ok, but it’s not like there are other ways to start in politics. A friend of mine wants to hold elected office, so she (at age 24) is working for a city councilwoman and running for the local democratic executive committee. There are ways to run for office that aren’t “major executive office.” There are starting

I’ve heard some really mixed things about Angola. My ex went there as part of his master’s on social work at Tulane (he was taking a course on death and dying) and visited the hospice (where all of the end-care is done by fellow inmates). He was really fascinated by the entire place- according to him a lot of the

I got an abortion at a clinic that’s maybe three blocks from my house and at the time I was like “Oh, cool. That’s going to be a really shitty day so it’ll be nice to walk there and back and get a little exercise and do some deep breathing and not be all stressed in traffic.”

I’ve lost both my grandfathers, and all I want is for Joe Biden to be my grandpa. I want it so bad.

I use Uber. When I’m with my boyfriend or a large group of people. Otherwise? Cabbing it or taking the streetcar home, thanks. But that’s just the safety thing. I have no answer for fair wage issues.

Every time I meet someone who’s a consultant of any kind, I’m like “How do you land such a cushy job please point me in the direction of your HR.”

As a teacher: Yes. We ARE greedy. For example, my MONEY-HUNGRY UNION negotiated a late-start day for teachers on Monday because we’re required to work until 7pm for conferences. I personally can’t BELIEVE we’re asking to not work a twelve hour day. Who’s thinking of the children!?!

Lore scares the SHIT out of me

Mine was $500 dollars.

Sounds like a lot of women went to Planned Parenthood knowing they could get an abortion and having already decided that’s what they wanted (that’s what I did). I’m sure adoption agencies give 145 adoptions referrals for every 1 abortion referrals. Because, you know, you go where you’re going to get the services you

I mean, it’s pretty chaotic.

Definitely just read all of your comments in Tina’s voice.

From what I’ve been hearing on NPR, normally the minority party does also participate in the process, but this time Democrats are just sitting back and watching the Republicans implode.

True. I revise my statement.

I think it’s a little less invasive (no one hacked his phone, he was in a public-ish place, etc) but it still shouldn’t have happened and we shouldn’t be encouraging it by giving traffic to the websites publishing it.

I’m going to go ahead and quote John Oliver here (speaking about a poll on climate change, but it applies):

Depends. There’s a large black Catholic population in New Orleans where I live, so a lot of the parochial schools have large black populations.

That’s possible, but Tom cut her out completely when they divorced, and from what I understand she still doesn’t have a relationship with them.

I think the problem was the context not the content.

Actually, I had no idea they split up.