
Cluttered??? You owned a 360 or XB1??


TF. How long you in the bath??

Nah. I’m cool. I’m not like them and already see a cesspool of BS floating around on other FB post. More power to you though!

Its super fucking racist too.

I’m not on there a lot, if I am, I don’t go into much depth of that crap. I try try my best to avoid it. I’m not like them and like Anime. I would keep politics and anime separated, but people can’t distinguish a lot.

Not at all. I gave up on 4chan and don’t go down Twitter BS. Good for you though. I’m not like them and like Anime. I would keep politics and anime separated, but people can’t distinguish a lot.

Trolls. So, are they real or not. Isn’t that the point of them?

Not all, extreme Esme over here.

Here? Elsewhere?

I’d still take it overs the flat earthers, 5G blamers, covid-19 deniers, etc etc. :)

Whoa there, captain obvious!!

So lame the PS4 version is more. I got an xb1, but still. I wanted it fr my PS5,

So lame the PS4 version is more. I got an xb1, but still. I wanted it fr my PS5,

What a bunch of ass clowns.

Haven’t they all been ported over from previous consoles already?? How many do you need?

How is that video any comparison to people having to drive in awful conditions?? When the schmucks in the video go looking for danger.

Not really. But theres a difference between shit happening people above posted and looking for shit. These guys are looking for shit.

Ehhhh. Been there done that in Mexico, guns out in the US too.. Landmines win.

LOL. I never did that. Local accounts all the way. Someone did it that way and I’ve never ran into that issue. LOL

Hear, hear!! I do all that for users at work. LOL