
I called a few weeks ago. It wasn’t a dozen messages about there not being the place to inquire a buying a PS5. Calm down drama queen. They sent me another controller pretty quick. It got there on the 5th and it was delivered on the 11th.

Damn!! Will my HS GF apologize for cheating on me with some guy who is probably homeless now?

Hear!! Hear!!

Pure laziness.

I am aware. I stated that earlier like I said mind your own fucking business white knight. I was talking to him. Not you, as if you think you’d have something better to do at fucking 3 AM.

Don’t fucking worry about it. I wasn’t talking to you in the first place.

The Big Lebowski. LOL

Its their first attempt- Its mostly new to them from from traditional full cel animation- I am not worried about their future. I’ll let it slide. CW looked like crap from the start and stuck with it. I was just going with the look at style. Not story wise, cause I haven’t watched CW.

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that guy on the cover!!!

It looks okay. Its not as off putting as any of the clone wars animation.

AOC brought on Reddit co-founder/Serena Williams wife guy Ohanian and stock-obsessed streamer TheStockGuy, and things got a little dicier”
What is a wife guy??

Yep. Variant and all. Wonder where it came from?

Come on, Black Jesus!! No mask??

Hey, I paid $30!! I figured I might not have a lot of time when the PS5 version finally comes out a year from now. Also, I can possibly or not possibly playing a newer or better game.

All these fucking updates are going to take up all my GD SSD space on my fucking PS5!!

I said “It told me something about my name” Not you. Learn to fucking read. Who are you to butt in too, ya putz?? No, because I got a worse response. Thus, being an asshole. I didn’t want a fucking explanation. So stop responding. Thanks.

All these damn recent Ubisoft games I played were too long. Fenyx and WD:L. Ughh

Ugh. I’m trying to sell my PS5 copy. LOL

Ugh. I’m trying to sell my PS5 copy. LOL

I this was last week. The reward kind of helped me beat the game. Too many damn vaults. I got CP 2077 coming up next for my PS5. Wish me luck.

It told me something about my name, so that point of yours is moot. I was purposely being an asshole too. I didn’t ask for the details behind his name. If you don’t want crap used back at you don’t mention it to strangers. Easy enough. LOL