
Funny you think he actually touches or does anything but shit post on Twitter and paying people to play video games. 

The fuck. I've been to Japan several times and that's some racist myth. Fucking jerk. 


I sometimes work with PDs and FDs. They do not hire the best.... I see emails coming in about losing a gd station phone or tablet with a response from a higher up responding to these people like fucking children. Ffs... 

Anyone should see them our tour in 2025.

Oh, I’m crazy? Those fuckin’ hobbit movies were boring as hell. All it was, was a bunch of people walking, three movies of people walking to a fucking volcano."

Yet, here you are. If they were white you'd be fine with it? 😂 

He didn’t even go to UCLA. You type all that and can’t even get one of easiest facts correct... This was probably Midwest or southern radio too. Not really defending the both of them but the kid was drafted pretty high. He only played a few minutes.


Not that hard. Just push it harder. Twss.

But you can’t walk across the fucking street in Illinois without a car wanting to hit you. LOLOL

LOL! Could be. Two different acts.

LOL!! “Tough”

Like these Rip-off artists didn’t do it to themselves....

gained notable popularity in the home country of anime.” What is that Japan? If so, last time I went. The place is all wall to wall of RWBY. I could not go anywhere without seeing their merchandise- just like the US! /s

It's not consistent and the animation gets sloppier when it wasn't even that great to begin with. 

Would Zoomers get the 30 Rock reference?

Haahahaha!! Well said!!

Only if they had been shut down prior to making RWBY.........

Can the staff there just write normal headlines- instead of portraying themselves an unintelligent?