
Sydney Sweeney... Great actress??????????????????????


Disney has the money!

Cool, guy.


Aggressive? LOL. Go pet your comfort pet and have a glass of warm milk or whatever you drink, scout.

Huh? Making a joke? Didn’t a Korean studio do the original?

This animation looks awful. Like a lot of the DC animated films. Maybe anime ruined me but, their mouths don’t even look synced up. Why didn’t they just use the same Korean studio?

Like Apple!!

The head looks more like Powdered Toast Man.

I didn’t say you did not like the art style. Show me where I implied that? No deep breaths for you. Just regular breathing, goober.

You can tell a lot of peoples works- Otomo, Shirow, Amano. So the fuck what? Are they supposed to change it up?

Your kids don’t count as your friends.

Watch out for this guy.


Its probably a licensing thing at this point. You’re probably thinking of Alex.

Mostly people falsey boosting the prices like the retro video game market. LOL

I am not a PC master racer. I got it for $17 on XBSX or whatever. This post was also about the physical deluxe version- which I wanted since I prefer physical media over digital, although I caved in for the cheaper digital version. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts though......

Dude, I believe this stuff can happen but, to you all in one day?? Come on.