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I can't be the first. You mean I'm the first?

I was a bit put off by the reviewers slant toward Android, but he did give a pretty good comparison. What I got from it was that Android Auto is going to make distracted driving worse if they continue to require taps on the screen instead of CarPlay, which is voice command driven. I know that Android Auto is still

Love Star Wars, looking forward to the new movie. That said, I can't believe you just spent how many hours writing this post?? The droid's set-up works because IT'S A MOVIE, THAT'S HOW. (Sorry, Jason.)

CNN, Fox, Gawker, MSNBC, Buzzfeed, Twitter, HuffPo... it's safe to say that they all got what they've been hyping/advertising.

Sports fans have rioted over winning. Rioting has nothing to do with good, bad, winning, or losing.

I was going to type a response earlier but my hands got busy with something else.

I like this game!

Does it really matter when they ALL look that good ?

If you can touch them, they're real.

Forget vents, dat orange peel. Must be a GM product.

The race started great, I held station in third and had some great battles. But a few mistakes came my way and we fell to seventh. Still, we were running in a tight pack, and thanks to some diving and crashing, we got up to fourth again.

Yah, drill baby drill. Frack it all to hell!

Ewwwww.... lol

How about we get the city to limit traffic to LOCAL USE ONLY on residential streets, and FORCE cars to use the crowded arteries designed for them. My neighborhood is clotted with these speed bumps (which plow the front of my car into the ground because they're too tall), roundabouts and other impediments to us LOCALS

Gaming the waze system is probably on the order of 730x faster then going through your local organizations to install a speed bumb.

On some levels I don't blame them.

I just all around hate the window line on this car. It has the slope of a mustang fastback and should have the window line too. Like this

It was impressive they crash landed it there, but that doesn't make the mission a success.

"recently successful"

Don't worry this NASCAR championship format will make more sense when next year they abolish points for odd numbered finishing positions in months that have 2 new moons and also on days that happen to fall on quilting festivals in southern Georgia. Don't forget about quintuple point Tuesdays!