
What fail? The solitary goal of any op’nik so called ‘article’ is to hit the mandated word count, so my/goodness/by/god blahblahblah, that seems to have yet again been met, as the usual blather between punctuation flows like...wait for it....air flow paint - anyone with expectations to the more can just go hang. No

They’ve already invaded the land...

Nothing to see here - the app store is notorious for reporting wild download spikes that aren’t based in reality.

Please....they’ll cook up a way to give their hand-pick star jr yet-another-shot. They always do, whether he deserves it or not.

Better yet - get rid of that space wasting cabinet & drawers and just throw them into a pile on the floor. Because time saved never = space wasted.

Portland is the home for self-entitled wackos. So000 glad I moved away...

Not since the news was moved over the entertainment division.

Who cares what happens below grade...

I started following World Cup soccer when I lived in S. Korea and found it all great fun. Watching the latest event in the US was the typical heartless TV/media marketing bath. Interesting the US women’s team seems to be doing their best to avoid that quagmire. Good on them.

Pretty sure you meant this...

Just imagine how good they'll be when they start doing off-world terraforming.

Just because they can doesn't mean they should.

Someone online and making stuff up about cars??!! Shocked...good thing that never happens around here.

Still not there....everyone knows that cartoon cars never have round wheels/tires, zero ground clearance and the shifter always sticks out thru the roof.

I didn't say that's where the photo happened. I said that's where the vehicle was sold ...and subsequently came from, before heading south into the USA to make it's moose meat deliveries to the NYC Central Park Zoo.

Apparently sold just across the northern US border, however.

>I'm curious how you think Ganassi didn't deserve to win.

Have to say, it's nice to hear a BMW driver on the complaining end of a motoring tussle for a change.