
I quit reading after "Australia." Nice manufacturer pics though, Andrew.

Totally disagree, dude. If you're worried about maximum occupancy, get a "regular" S-class.

It almost looks like the Chinese improved upon their inspiration

China, where things used by the world were invented, such as gunpowder.... sundial... seismometer... compass.... gimbal.... fishing reel.... paper... printing... paper currency... ephedrine.... lacquer.... belt drive... chain drive... land mine... naval mine.... multistage rocket.... underwater salvage... consumption

While there is some obvious inspiration with the Y-20, the Chinese are pushing some technologies farther than we are. I was at a additive manufacturing (3D printing) conference and one of the OEM speakers showed this image of the a printed aft bulkhead from the fighter. China is working to be a world leader in the

A lot of our stuff in North America is also borrowed tech & ripped off, that's the way of the world.

Props for showing the Apple II joystick, which I am fond of referencing whenever people who won't know how to use the internet try to suggest that Nintendo invented analog control, or at least introduced it to gaming.

I believe you'll find this Packard actually is fuel injected. The "Pressure Carburettor" is really single point fuel injection, into the eye of the supercharger. The "Carburettor" part of the terminology really referred to the instrument's ability to meter fuel more or less automatically. There is a venturi, but it

We don't know that it "exploded" in mid air, yet. Or that the explosion was the cause, not the result, of an in-flight breakup. (See this morning's news.)


Or maybe there was a structural weakness in the aircraft that failed and tore the thing apart. It's been known to happen.

Just bring back the freedom to run what you want.

Where's a folding aluminum chair when you need one?

NASCAR and Wrasslin'.

I'm massively upset that a bunch of cars going around disrupted this good ole WWE punch-up.

Could've been rolling coal, waaaaaa.

I can understand why Bumgarner had such a blank look on his face... He was probably in shock at knowing that he was likely experiencing the peak moment of his entire life, the moment that his whole life had led to at that moment: World Series Champion MVP. Not much higher you can go than that. And it was being tainted

He's in sales and marketing at GM. This is what we bailed out. Not saying I would be much better up there but I don't represent a major corporation either.