
Is there a reason they don't tag the thumbs, with at least a mouse over....? Or is my browser not supported?

>but you can't add anything to the already finished tooling because of costs?

Blue leather in Thunderbirds, FTMFW.

It appeared that he really didn't get that these products were working toward getting people off of their phones in the car.

Real cars haven't been used in real settings for press photos/videos like this for ages, since Toyota used a snowblower-faked snow storm in their 'Oh What a Feeling!' commercials back in the 80's.

Or, you know, if you want something really great, you could just buy a cheap dash cam and be in the right place at the right time, like this guy...

Can you guess who these fake (?) boobs are on?

Some chase - looks like she had a 30 second lead on the cops.

That's a good start and all - next step...admitting you crashed on purpose just to have something to write about.

My GPS once listed my top speed nearly 50 miles an hour faster than the car was capable of. Neat to show to friends, but the cops might not take it so lightly...

TARS is nothing but a folding ruler....with smarts.

That thing is huge.

No side louvers = miss

Way to phone it in, Jason...