
Well lifted, you mean.

Guy walks into a NYC bank and asks to borrow $500 while leaving his $200k foreign car as collateral. Banker thinks this is odd, but says sure, it will cost a minimum of $50 and Guy says that's fine. Bank locks the car in the basement.

Cars in tv commercials have been CGI'd for years....

"Yo', beach...those betta not be my jeans!"

No one 'suggests' a Scout....one simply 'brings them up' in the conversation.

Waiting for the new 'Truck Yeah! Down Under!' blog in 10....9....8....7...

No aluminum body means it is already obsolete...

Let me get this straight - those two anthropomorphized craft from the ESA are both speaking in English?

Nice compilation/resource - thanks to you & Ivan. Hope to see more.

It's not the risk of having engine trouble that counts....it's the risk of falling out of the sky.

Historically, the carrier based workhorse jet was the F/A-18 Hornet...w/two, suck 'em, two tail pipes.

China, where things used by the world were invented, such as gunpowder.... sundial... seismometer... compass.... gimbal.... fishing reel.... paper... printing... paper currency... ephedrine.... lacquer.... belt drive... chain drive... land mine... naval mine.... multistage rocket.... underwater salvage... consumption

What country, besides North Korea, uses a steering wheel w/horn button in their fighter jets?

Dibs on 'Muscle Crown Condoms' brand name...

What they say is true...if you claim to remember the 60's, you weren't there. Which is why they also say 'photos or it didn't happen', so thanks for these.

C'mon....we all know want those wheels badddd - just admit it.

If the authorities wanted, they could handily pull the plate from the dashcam vid.

The more you keep talking about those wheels, the more you prove my point.

Don't worry, you're still a marketer's dream, just as long as you have money to spend.

What do you think SEMA is for, if not to get people talking. It's certainly not like this is the first time ever a wheel went on display that someone didn't care for. It's the chatter that matters, not the opine.