
She wants that big truck baaaaaddd :)

Worst case of prius-buyer remorse I've ever witnessed.

And being a BMW, we can be assured that driver had it coming...if not for this time, certainly all those times he/she got away with being the jerk we know they are. Best served cold and all that...

That's a slippery slope of what diameter to make the indentation. Small coffee cup? Starbucks insulated sippy travel mug? 7-11 Mid-Ocean Super Tanker? Draft beer mug? Multiples sizes? They drew a line in the sand, did the best with the least and deserve credit for not over thinking the result. That's what experienced

I could have predicted the results of a taste tests....it's the hangover scheme report I'll wait for.

Use your phone or a hotspot puck....those go with you when you leave the car in the parking lot.

Step 1: Buy car from Carmax and make it their problem.

Raph and Jason were driving their PT Cruiser to Michigamwee. When they got to the traffic light in Negauwee, Raph drove right through the red light. Jason cried, "Holywha, Raph, what are you doing?" Raph kept driving and replied, "Don't worry, my brother taught me to drive".

The best part is that the i8 is just a damn good car, a sign that we don't have to worry about robots taking over for us anytime soon.

Clear right!

Clarkson quotes FTW:

I agree with others here that say this map is pure BS.

Connacht|ˈkänôt, kəˈnôt| (also Connaught)a province in southwestern Republic of Ireland.

I hate driving downtown Portland in any car, so I feel your pain, I guess.

Reminds me of the 'bad day fishing' quote...so let's try it.