
You mean like Ranger-smallish?

Still waiting on a Chrysler Hellcat Crossfire.

If Ford really wants to freak out the EU, they can use some of that new Lincoln money and campaign against Bentley, Jag and Aston Martin with a new Mk. X.

And this time last year Kia was relying on a boost from US K9 sales. Ouch, Kia.

We lived near a West Coast airbase in the '60s and air shows were common during the year. More than one time the BA team flew low and tight right over the house, rattling dogs and dishes alike.

Assholes in BMWs - who would have thought.

The new Volt, obviously.

In my Apocalypse, there are no roads.

Remember Kojak?

I can find several, but none to back up my claim - I'm thinking maybe it was found on a DVD sleeve?

French Connection


As much of a ford fan as I am, the only reason I sit on their stock is for tax loss adjustment.

Sweden, then, since it appears Autoliv might be the supplier.

Cost Ford? Won't they just send the bill to the airbag contractor in Japan?

I'm waiting on a Hellcat spec'd convertible CrossFire.

Problem is, a truck that size can carry enough explosives to wipe out a generous radii, so for this to do much good, it would need to be a long ways back from the intended target.

I bought a '99 Ranger extended cab in 2003, drove it up and down the West Coast for a year and then sold it for what I paid. Great vehicle.