
I see where this is headed....

Juiced leaf me alone, I know watt dime doing!

And you thought the Police were militarized....

Loving this Ford blitz....let me know when you get to the Super Coupe.

JUMBO Model T Ford motor home. The unit is built on a Ford truck chassis, called the TT. Note the dual white walls and the rear porch.

The iPhone (required) does the remembering....the watch is just a secondary display w/taptic feedback mech to help you stumble back to it while blind drunk.

I hear young flesh brings a premium...

This isn't about stockpiles. It is about greed.

You're talking to someone that wrote that course. And if what you're saying is what you took away from it, heaven forbid you should ever be an actionary on that front.

Holy ****. I can't believe what I'm watching here. It's like dinner theater-grade Dickens mixed with watching your friend's deeply embarrassing cover band blended with public-service messages about home safety and doused liberally with powerful hallucinogens. Oh, and there's some Jags driven through all the mess.

No one is surprised. No one has an agenda other than revenue.

Distance from fuel supply my ass - we have stockpiles that were supposed to modulate that. If that were true, why does gas cost so much in SF when the Richmond refineries are right next door. Oh, right...yet another fire. Pure BS.

I love the japanese elan too, but gawker has a SEO quota that seems to matter more, so...

A big day diminished by a playground display of paid for adoration.

Get a room...

And on the other end of the .com scale we present gawker, where the butt-bunny demographic and vomit stained trunk carpeting are buyer standards du jour.

Clearly they left the meeting before the details were worked out.

Wait until they start doing this for prawn...

Eight miata posts this cycle and counting. How many did mazda order up?

Seven miata posts and counting. How many did mazda order?