
The 'missing' angle is straight gawker click-bait. Tyler thinks we're all fools, apparently.

Too bad they'll be lost in all the explosions and slash cuts.

Very nice, thanks.

Absolutely. Pride of ownership in a rainbow parade for sure. Kind of like a recalled firearm that screams 'never fired in anger'.

The Japanese have an innate sense of quality as visually perceived. Much higher than the normal US consumer, as an example. One look at foreign made products and they can spot lower standards. Then there is nationalism, of course.

The easiest way to turn a hanger into a museum (and prove you need it) is to start charging admission - regardless of what's inside.

Let me guess....Hamilton is his hero, right?

Maybe if they filled it with snakes and put a sign out on the interstate...

It was met by fighter jets, but did not respond.

...and now don't those jersey buyers feel dumb...

Maybe they had to spend budget money and this thing is nothing but yet another warehouse.

It's final cut Saturday around the NFL - this guy is just one of many. Nothing to see...move along.

Ouch....looks a lot like some crazy lady that walked up to me in the store the other day and said "I like your beard".

>Tetsuuuo! Kaneda's bike is real.

Muffler....really? What the heck are you smoking?

Mars? Really? Yet another waste of resources, that's why the private sector isn't interested. Another example of why NASA doesn't want to lose it's place at the trough.

So wrong...

I'm not sure I share all of SpaceRef's cynicism