
>Walking into a race track is stupid, it's just fucking stupid

Breaking news....Uber joins with Google to bring a self-driving car to your door.

Blaming the victim. A perfect example of hero worship about to fail.

Maybe next time, instead of relying on a rage spell he'll buy a real Jeep.

Assassination? More like a hit...

BMW just announced the newest stretched mini...the MINI BACKDOORMAN

He's your hero, not mine. He loved to cultivate the bad-boy image on the track, but he failed to notice the fine line between being a dick and running someone down. Now he gets to live with that reputation _and_ the outcome.

"He's a nice guy, I like him and I play poker with him. But if he came over here right now I'm afraid I'd have to strangle him."


No one should be laughing...that's the point.

He's your hero, not mine...

We had an early one....used Econoline brakes and had a 6 cylinder with 3-speed on the column.

I know this one! It's an on-purpose press 'leak' for a new car in a lame attempt to build buzz!!

Perfect - you'll know when she leaves the house AND when she's giving lap. Just be sure to tip your waitress.

If cost is a factor, sell your smartphone and start hitchhiking :)

How are you supposed to check on the kids at home without access to the internet-ready babysitter cam?

Something to remember about that 'mobile hotspot' feature....you can't take it with you when you walk away from the car.