
I once worked at a truck dealership as a mechanic - my Ford was across town at the dealer for service and I went by late in the afternoon to pick it up...while still wearing the obligatory blue shirt and pants with the day's grime in place.


Let's ask your hero what he thinks:

Stop patronizing the victim's family, then. You should be ashamed.

Are you a spokesperson for either side?

Maybe you'll have better luck picking your heroes from now on.

All you need is some chickens and a car up on blocks...

A car that has those as options is a chicken coop.


The point of the matter is that we can't tell Stewart's intentions from the video. It looks like he tries to do something, gassing up right before he hit Ward. But it's not clear if Stewart could see him, or if he was trying to avoid him, or if he was trying to intimidate him.

Memo from Nascar to all drivers: Take this opportunity to jump on twitter and fb to show your sympathies and promote your brand/charity.

tony...commit an overt act on track? Never...

And one of them didn't. Worked out pretty well for stewart, then, didn't it.

Do you have a link to your thread? I want a shot at debating your 'facts' there, thanks.

In the court of public opinion, neither you nor I preside over anything but what we feel.

Pulled from? ...google is your friend.

"...can be a hot head."

And the last thing anyone would ever say about stewart is that he displays reckless behavior...

Second degree or not...it was still murder.