
The fact is stewart committed second degree attempted murder. Again, stop blaming victims for their own deaths.

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I'm pretty sure that rabbits and race cars are a lethal mix

....wow... It's sad you think he deserved to die for just being there. Why not blame his parents for his birth while you're at it.

KDS said something like that, not me.

Thanks for confirming it wasn't an accident, but I hope you're not going to blame the victim.

I'm aware you're defending an intentional death. I think we know what that makes you.

Semantics are not your friend. A guy is dead as a direct result of another guy's actions, no matter how you slice it.

At least we've moved to calling it an 'incident' and not an accident.

The last moment in the video I just saw on TV shows a motionless corpse.

'murderous rage' are your words, tweaker. Get your head out of your ass.

Face The Nation/CBS just showed it with no warning. Calling it an 'accident' is a shocking new definition of murder if you ask me.

This is what happens when the author assumes everyone understands his concept of updating a thread. If you want to keep the old update named as such, at least use strikethrough to give a hint and/or timestamp them.

Beat me to it...

Breaking News! Tesla Mode S makes dyno eat it's own shit! Film at eleven.

Not just money, it also takes big balls to take a leap like this - it was his car so same as the rest of us, he's allowed do with it what he likes.

Go ahead....ask google for images on: topless honda

I lost a car once....turned out I was looking in the wrong parking lot.

The #1 reason to own any Bugatti: cachet

...even the rats want out of that country.