
I've seen Chevy 265 v8s used as standby/auxiliary power for ski lifts

Thanks for the update about what really happened JT :)

1977 Dodge Tioga RV

Got a bridge I'd like to sell you...

What traffic stop? What speeding ticket?


Are you talking about real cars or cgi cars?

Guilty until proven innocent, then...

I'd guess they could sell all domestic product here at that point.

My '90 SC Anny in the garage sits next to my brother's '90 964/C4 Carrera...

I wish someone would :)

That graphic screams Nevada...

Add emissions & street legal exhaust and there goes the fun..

Ford Thunderbird Super Coupe

This one comes with it's own trailer....looks sweet:

Now playing

That focker is an amateur compared to this rondo

Starter rail here - includes a tow bar so you don't even need a trailer to bring it home.

Forget the desert, I would commute in one of these things, breakdowns and all.